Rentacar South Africa

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Car Rental South Africa: Angebote im Preisvergleich

Über 2 Mio. Kunden
Unsere Kunden empfehlen uns mit 417.013 Bewertungen.

4,5 / 5

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Das sagen unsere Kunden zu ihrer Mietwagenbuchung in Südafrika:

5.845 Kundenbewertungen

(Durchschnitt 90%)

  • 30.05.2024, 11:24:12 Uhr

    4,0 / 5

    Mietwagen in Südafrika

    Wenig serviceorientiert

    von Manfred S.

  • 28.05.2024, 19:16:23 Uhr

    4,5 / 5

    Mietwagen in Südafrika

    Gute Erfahrung

    von Stefan K.

  • 28.05.2024, 16:45:13 Uhr

    4,5 / 5

    Mietwagen in Südafrika

    gute Presitransparenz, sehr gute Kommunikation, keine Probleme

    von Reinhold E.

Deine Vorteile bei

  • Flexibilität dank kostenloser Stornierung bis 24 Stunden vor Anmietung
  • Mietwagen ohne Selbstbeteiligung
  • Kundenbewertungen und unabhängige Empfehlungen
  • Auswahl an Ausstattung wie Kindersitze und Winterreifen
  • Vergleich aller wichtigen Mietwagen-Anbieter
  • Mietwagen mit Langzeitmiete
  • Mietwagen auch für Fahrer unter 21 bzw. 25 möglich
  • Mietwagen-Gutschein einlösen
  • Alle Kosten transparent aufgeschlüsselt

South Africa is an enormous country steeped in history, fascinating cultures and breathtaking natural beauty. Without a doubt, the one way South Africa can best be explored is by making use of an auto rental. Explore this beautiful country at your leisure in your rental car and behold the land of misty mountains, vast grasslands, crashing ocean waves and graceful wildlife.

Car rental South Africa: The most important rental sites

While relatively inexpensive domestic airline flights may be found, the local transport system is not something the country is best known for. Due to the vast layout of cities and the size of the country as a whole, it is highly recommended to rent a car. Whether you are planning a long term visit to South Africa to make the most of what the country has to offer or you are on a tighter budget and looking for a cheap car rental in South Africa, there is something available to suit your needs. With car rental companies in a number of convenient locations, it has never been easier to find a rental car. You can find rentals in places such as:

  • Cape Town

  • Johannesburg

  • Port Elizabeth

  • Durban

  • Stellenbosch

Rent a car in South Africa and explore its sites

South Africa is internationally renown for its wildlife, which is beyond comparison. Car hire in South Africa offers travellers the opportunity to visit the host of both private and national game parks the country has to offer. Although many of the largest parks are situated approximately five hours' drive from Johannesburg, you need not miss out if you are only on a short visit. Many of the major cities have smaller wildlife parks on their outskirts, allowing for half or full day visits. Some visitors are tempted to do anything to get the perfect photo, but please remember to keep the windows in your rental car shut and doors closed and locked when in close proximity to wild animals.

With its beautiful beaches, world class wineries and the famous Table Mountain, which can be accessed by cable car or on foot for the more adventurous, Cape Town has been rated as one of the most popular destinations in the world in many opinion polls. Plan ahead for the best deals.

Jump into your rental car and explore the shops, crafts, museums and aquarium at the Victoria & Alfred waterfront, or head to Clifton for cocktails and pizza while mingling with the wealthy who own holiday homes in this exclusive area. The nearby wine region in Stellenbosch and many other popular areas of the Cape are best accessed by car, making a car rental the ideal solution.

For those looking to enjoy natural beauty, take your rental car to visit the beautifully manicured Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, where you can enjoy a sunset concert. Check on their website for concert listings.

Johannesburg, the financial capital of South Africa, sprawls over a vast area. The city and its surrounding suburbs are a constant hive of activity and are without a doubt best explored with a GPS and a rental car. South Africa is known for its difficult past, so delve deeper into history by visiting the internationally renowned Apartheid Museum.

Getting around when you use a car hire in South Africa

South Africans drive on the left side of the road, with the driver seated on the right. For a car rental in South Africa, it is recommended you read up on the country's driving laws prior to arriving. It is also recommended that along with your rental car, you hire a GPS navigation unit.

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