Rentacar France

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Car Rental France: Angebote im Preisvergleich

Über 2 Mio. Kunden
Unsere Kunden empfehlen uns mit 417.068 Bewertungen.

4,5 / 5

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Das sagen unsere Kunden zu ihrer Mietwagenbuchung in Frankreich:

12.127 Kundenbewertungen

(Durchschnitt 90%)

  • 31.05.2024, 20:27:01 Uhr

    4,5 / 5

    Mietwagen in Frankreich

    Wie immer gute Betreuung und gute Kommunikation

    von Ralph B.

  • 28.05.2024, 21:16:36 Uhr

    4,5 / 5

    Mietwagen in Frankreich

    Schnelle Abwicklung

    von Jean-Christophe D.

  • 28.05.2024, 20:28:24 Uhr

    5,0 / 5

    Mietwagen in Frankreich


    von Marianne H.

Deine Vorteile bei

  • Flexibilität dank kostenloser Stornierung bis 24 Stunden vor Anmietung
  • Mietwagen ohne Selbstbeteiligung
  • Kundenbewertungen und unabhängige Empfehlungen
  • Auswahl an Ausstattung wie Kindersitze und Winterreifen
  • Vergleich aller wichtigen Mietwagen-Anbieter
  • Mietwagen mit Langzeitmiete
  • Mietwagen auch für Fahrer unter 21 bzw. 25 möglich
  • Mietwagen-Gutschein einlösen
  • Alle Kosten transparent aufgeschlüsselt

France is a wonderful country to travel by car. With car rental in France, you have access to villages and towns that are otherwise mostly hidden away from visitors. Discerning travellers will take full advantage of a rental car to find these hidden gems as well as visit famous cities. Whether driving leisurely past the lavender fields of Provence or touring around Paris, from the Louvre to nearby Versailles, renting a car will open up endless possibilities.

Car rental France - the most important rental sites

The drive from Marseilles to Nice is a particularly lovely route along the sea, and you can choose a one way rental through France and return the car at another location. However, for those staying long term, it's easy to rent a car to head from Paris southward to Lyon, and onward to Avignon, Provence's gorgeous primary city.

Wine-lovers, of course, would be remiss not to start a journey in Bordeaux, to visit the region's multitude of excellent wineries. For visitors hoping to mix sightseeing with time at the beach, a car hire in Nice makes it easy to drive up and down the coastline, stopping at the area's tiny villages and lovely beaches. Compare cheap deals from several car rental companies to make the most of your trip. The following list includes the top rental sites:

  • Paris

  • Lyon

  • Marseilles

  • Nice

  • Avignon

  • Toulouse

  • Bordeaux

Rent a car in France and discover the sights

France is known for its cuisine, and exploring France by hire car will make it endlessly easier to sample food like a local. When touring in the south near Nice, for instance, be sure to visit the weekly markets to pick up local jams, olive oil, nougat candies, and the freshest in-season produce a gastronome could hope for.

In the Provence countryside, don't forget to stop at the gorgeous lavender fields, which will be in bloom from June to August. In Les Baux-de-Provence, you'll find medieval structures and fortress ruins. Park the car in the countryside and go for a hike. Enjoy watching grazing goats and sheep and meeting friendly, warm locals.

St. Tropez and Cannes, meanwhile, are known for their glitzy, celebrity-filled hotels and winding streets. You can zip into town and enjoy the people-watching, luxury shopping, and leisure time by the sea.

Tour the historic cities of Arles, Avignon, and Nîmes. At this last city, visitors can stroll the Pont du Gard, an ancient Roman aqueduct. Its lovely park grounds lead to the water, and in summer it is a great people-watching and photography destination.

The wind-swept coast also makes for a scenic drive for those who rent a car in France. Visit Aigues-Mortes, a walled village, and you will feel like you’ve just driven back in time. Head for the protected wetlands of Camargues, observe flamingos near the beach, or stop into small roadside restaurants to try the excellent local cuisine.

Of course, visitors will likely want to take their rental car to cities steeped in history, from Paris and Versailles to Chartres. At this last stop, be sure to see the local cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage site. With your own set of wheels, auto rental in France enables you to discover the lush countryside and historic cities on your own terms.

Getting around when you hire a car

Keep in mind that passengers in both the front and back seats must wear seat belts, and driving while on a mobile phone (even a hands-free device) is not permitted. In cities, the speed limit is usually 50 km per hour, but this can vary between 30 and even 70 km per hour, on bigger roads. In roundabouts, vehicles inside have priority over those entering. And barring a sign that says otherwise, drivers should yield to traffic on their right.

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