Rentacar Australia

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Car Rental Australia: Angebote im Preisvergleich

Über 2 Mio. Kunden
Unsere Kunden empfehlen uns mit 417.068 Bewertungen.

4,5 / 5

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Bis 24 Stunden vor Mietbeginn stornierst du kostenlos.
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Das sagen unsere Kunden zu ihrer Mietwagenbuchung in Australien:

1.798 Kundenbewertungen

(Durchschnitt 90%)

  • 03.05.2024, 23:52:21 Uhr

    4,5 / 5

    Mietwagen in Australien

    Ich finde es ein super Portal um ein Auto zu mieten. Sehr tranparent und klar.Man weiss was man bekommt.

    von Christian S.

  • 17.04.2024, 18:08:14 Uhr

    5,0 / 5

    Mietwagen in Australien

    Toller Service,ob am Flughafen oder an der Verleihstation !

    von Michael M.

  • 14.04.2024, 13:54:17 Uhr

    4,5 / 5

    Mietwagen in Australien

    Beste Preise und prima Betreuung.

    von Stephan H.

Deine Vorteile bei

  • Flexibilität dank kostenloser Stornierung bis 24 Stunden vor Anmietung
  • Mietwagen ohne Selbstbeteiligung
  • Kundenbewertungen und unabhängige Empfehlungen
  • Auswahl an Ausstattung wie Kindersitze und Winterreifen
  • Vergleich aller wichtigen Mietwagen-Anbieter
  • Mietwagen mit Langzeitmiete
  • Mietwagen auch für Fahrer unter 21 bzw. 25 möglich
  • Mietwagen-Gutschein einlösen
  • Alle Kosten transparent aufgeschlüsselt

Make use of car rental in Australia and you will have easy access to the country's vibrant, multicultural cities and inspiring natural landscapes.

World class cities, stunning beaches and a wide variety of exotic animals are just a few of the things you will find on your trip to Australia. Rent a car in Australia and you will have the flexibility to see these and all the other great attractions that the Land Down Under has to offer. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world and the mere size of the country means that renting a car is a great advantage in comparison to other forms of travel. With it you will be able to stop by the world famous Sydney Opera House or take a cruise down the incomparable Gold Coast Highway, among many other highlights.

Car rental Australia - the most important rental sites

With cheap car rental, you can pick up a car in each state or drive one way through Australia and see the staggering diversity of this great country. Short or long term car hire in Australia is available in a host of cities, from cosmopolitan beehives to relaxed, sunny cities. A wide range of vehicles are available at the many different companies offering car rental in Australia. Choose from various locations including:

  • Sydney

  • Melbourne

  • Brisbane

  • Cairns

  • Perth

  • Adelaide

Rent a car: Australia and its sights

The sheer number of attractions and events in Australia mean they cannot possibly all be listed here. Instead, here is a brief rundown of some of the ones that simply cannot be missed when you visit this vast country.

Ayer's Rock, or Uluru, is located in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park and is one of Australia’s most famous geographical features. Here you can take a tour with an Aboriginal guide to learn about this important spiritual landmark first hand.

Covering an area of more than 300,000 km, the Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest living organism and one of the most beautiful places found anywhere on earth. It can even be seen from outer space. Fortunately, with your rental car, you will be able to get a little closer.

Visit the country during January and you might be lucky enough to take part in the spectacle that is Australia Day. The 26th of January sees many events and festivals taking place across the country. If you travel in a hired car, you will have the option to see a few of them - or you can sit tight and enjoy just one with a few cold beers.

Australia’s most famous beach is located in Sydney just a short drive from the city centre. With an auto rental you will be able to head to Bondi Beach with your supplies for a day of swimming, surfing, sunbathing and excellent people watching. There is also a great deal of events that take place here throughout the year, especially on Christmas Day, when families get together for a BBQ on the sand.

Driving in Australia

Australia is one of the few countries where you drive on the left hand side of the road. Speed limit signs denote speeds in kilometres, not miles, and they are typically around 50 km/h in urban areas and 100 km/h in more rural zones. Driving is generally straightforward in Australia but some areas are more challenging, especially in remote areas. When driving in the outback you should always ensure you have plenty of fuel, water and a telephone in case of an emergency.

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