Rentacar Florida

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Car Rental Florida: Angebote im Preisvergleich

Über 2 Mio. Kunden
Unsere Kunden empfehlen uns mit 417.180 Bewertungen.

4,5 / 5

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Bis 24 Stunden vor Mietbeginn stornierst du kostenlos.
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Aktuelle Angebote

Unsere Mietwagen-Angebote für Florida

  • SUV

    • carnectab 9 € /Tag
    • AutoEuropeab 33 € /Tag
    • Argus Car Hireab 41 € /Tag
  • Mittelklasse

    • wisecarsab 13 € /Tag
    • carnectab 9 € /Tag
    • AutoEuropeab 28 € /Tag
  • Oberklasse

    • carnectab 15 € /Tag
    • wisecarsab 16 € /Tag
    • Rentalcarsab 31 € /Tag

Die angezeigten Angebote und Preise basieren auf Suchergebnissen der letzten Tage für den oben angegebenen Ort. Da Preise von Mietdauer und Zeitraum abhängen, können die Preise, die dir nach einer Suche angezeigt werden, abweichen.


Das sagen unsere Kunden zu ihrer Mietwagenbuchung in Florida:

9.737 Kundenbewertungen

(Durchschnitt 90%)

  • 02.06.2024, 17:47:59 Uhr

    4,5 / 5

    Mietwagen in Florida

    reibungsloser Ablauf

    von Peter F.

  • 30.05.2024, 21:59:33 Uhr

    4,5 / 5

    Mietwagen in Florida

    Jeweils rasche und kompetente Unterstützung bei Fragen oder wenn mal etwas nicht so läuft.

    von Urs R.

  • 29.05.2024, 12:36:27 Uhr

    5,0 / 5

    Mietwagen in Florida

    Informationen für andere Kunden

    von Alfred S.

Deine Vorteile bei

  • Flexibilität dank kostenloser Stornierung bis 24 Stunden vor Anmietung
  • Mietwagen ohne Selbstbeteiligung
  • Kundenbewertungen und unabhängige Empfehlungen
  • Auswahl an Ausstattung wie Kindersitze und Winterreifen
  • Vergleich aller wichtigen Mietwagen-Anbieter
  • Mietwagen mit Langzeitmiete
  • Mietwagen auch für Fahrer unter 21 bzw. 25 möglich
  • Mietwagen-Gutschein einlösen
  • Alle Kosten transparent aufgeschlüsselt

The state of Florida is known as the 'Sunshine State', and with good reason; its white sandy beaches, national parks like the Everglades, and the Florida Keys are bathed in sunshine for most of the year. Outdoor enthusiasts will enjoy the many opportunities for fishing, boating and swimming, while nature-lovers can't miss the unique ecosystem of the Everglades. Car rental in Florida gives you the flexibility to visit the state's far-ranging attractions at your leisure.

Car rental Florida — the most important rental sites

Orlando is a favourite for holidaymakers with children, as it is home to more than a dozen theme parks, including the world-famous Walt Disney World. Rent a car in Florida to travel around the Orlando area in comfort, and visit Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure while you're at it.

You can also hire a car in Florida to go on a one way trip along the coast from one city to another. Miami, for instance, is home to gorgeous beaches, historic Art Deco architecture, and a great arts district. For more outdoorsy travellers, plan to visit Biscayne Bay, with its numerous coral reefs and water sports like snorkelling and scuba diving. You can compare rental car options and find cheap deals using coupons through our online platform. The major cities for car rental in Florida include:

  • Miami

  • Orlando

  • Fort Myers

  • Tampa

  • West Palm Beach

  • Key West

  • Key Biscayne

Rent a car to discover Florida and see the sights

Art Basel Miami, an offshoot of the original event in Basel, Switzerland, is one of the world's most important art fairs. Nicknamed the 'Olympics of Art', this event, as well as numerous smaller art fairs, is held annually in South Beach, Miami, in early December. Rent a car to get around the city while there, and travel to the coffee bars, restaurants, and cigar shops along Calle Ocho, in Little Havana.

Renting a car makes it easy to visit Miami's sights all year round, like the popular Bayfront Park and the Bicentennial Park. Take the kids to the Miami Zoo and the Coral Castle, and then head to the Fairchild Botanical Gardens for a scenic day outdoors.

The Everglades National Park is a 1.5-million-acre wetlands home to hundreds of animal species, including the endangered leatherback turtle, Florida panther and West Indian manatee. Its mangroves and pine flatwoods are unique in the landscape. Auto rental will make it easy to get to the Everglades from wherever you are staying in Florida during your holiday.

Fort Lauderdale, on the southeastern coast of Florida, is a beach vacationer's dream, with numerous restaurants, boutiques and a range of hotels. There are plenty of beaches and miles of boating canals, as well.

The island of Key West is a celebrated destination for diving and snorkeling. It is also famous for its coral reefs and its pastel-colour, conch-style houses. You can travel to the island from Port Everglades, which is one of the world's busiest cruise terminals.

Getting around in Florida

People drive on the right-hand side of the road in Florida. If you are used to driving on the left, be careful when pulling out of junctions and traffic circles.A car is a sensible option for travellers staying long term in Florida, as it is often the only viable way to get around the state. Make sure you have your driver's licence, rental agreement and proof of insurance whenever you take a drive. Plan ahead to have change and one-dollar bills with you for toll roads. Florida has several major motorways, so take your time and ask a passenger to help you to navigate when on busy highways.

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